Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Economy, Shmnonomy, who cares??

OK, so as my BFF Hostess with the Mostess K knows, I am a little obsessed with gas prices. The economy is going to hell, we are all going to have to work 10 more years to retire, we couldnt get a mortgage to save our life...who cares!!! All that matters is that gas is now under $3.00 a gallon. Weekend before last I was running around in the huge honkin, gas guzzling bus and I saw a site that made my heart melt. Gas for $2.99 a gallon...sigh....I think I about fainted right there....I was so happy, I had to call Special K and tell her. Although I was carrying my camera around that day, I didnt get a snapshot of the momentus sign but for some reason I got fired up as I drove around not too far from that sign and saw this....

WHAT??? Are you kidding me?? Look guys, the hurricane is long gone, no need for price gauging now..what losers!!!...how can it be so much more right down the road!! It makes me angry!!! Grrrr... There better not be one person who reads this blog that should be paying more than 3.00 a gallon. Drive a few more blocks to get the cheaper stuff!

Anyway, this was a week or so ago and just so you know, I filled up for $2.69 yesterday...life is good...oh yes ,it is...for me, its the little things.

Because I drive a school bus, I need to save money everywhere for things like this....

CRIPES!!! What the &*^%$#&#!!! Good grief...I was only gone for less than an hour!! How did this happen??? I didnt notice any problems when I was driving home from DOWNTOWN.. Argghhh.. wouldnt be so bad if I hadn't JUST put 4 brand new tires on the kidlet transporter right before the storm..jeez..I have had lots of problems with the tires on this giant piece of $%^()@!! Anyways..luckily, Poppa T was there and quickly took care of the situation, cuz God knows I wasnt going to change it..pleazzzzz...the tire place said there was a hole or something and fixed it right up....

Hey, do you think the government can bail me out from all the debt I incurred while having to pay almost $4.00 a gallon for gas for the last however many months?


Well, why not?

Everyone else gets a bailout???

But I digress.....


Anonymous said...

I think that might be your longest post to date on "Here I Can Be Pink"!

Unknown said...

yea.. gas under 3.00
i too was elated.

btw: your playlist to the left is a little disturbing...

Momma T said...

No it isnt, its great, its prep for the concert of the year