Thursday, November 20, 2008

This Blog

Really isnt necessary. I think I am going to shut it down. If I find I really need my own place, I will reopen I will give everyone a little bit (all 2 1/2 people) to get the word and then I will take it away. Thanks for being interested!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Before picture....

This is as "Before" of a picture that anyone is getting... (see previous post)

Sometimes I just crack my self up...sometimes....

Probably TMI...

OK, so I had my annual drs. appt today. I mentioned my scorching, wanting to jump off of a bridge, pain incident and he says he thinks I may have Gall Stones. Yippee!!! How do you treat that? Either surgery or diet, low cholesteral diet. Is cholesteral what can cause them too? Yes.

Well, I guess thats what explains the almost 20lbs!!! I have gained since last year too, too much cholesteral. Yep, he says, this would be a good time to get control of that and turn it around, ya know, diet and exercise. Yeah, yeah, I know (eye roll). Here is some Phentermine to get you started!!

Yippee!! Yahoo!!! I am soooo into the magic for me! How much can I get??

So, can I do it? Can I drop at least 20, hopefully 40 pounds?

Maybe I should put up a before picture and post my progress in pictures??

LOLOLOLOLOLOL...Heather, you are such a joker, are you crazy?? My faithful readers can take my word on how fat I am!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


OK, so it seems at had joked early on that if Obama won, I was going to leave the country...ha...ha..ha...thats a sarcastic not really laughing, just pretending too.

Sigh...I guess all I can say is that I am (cautiously) optimistic that Obama is not the Marxist he seems to be and will not completely destroy this great country of ours. He will be our next President and I will support him if it is in the best interests of the country.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 1, lunch

Seriously, I really have to get some work....

After I ate some crackers for lunch, my work bestie Angie went with me to the new Houston Pavilions, new stores and restaurants. Not everything has been completed, so we went to a few places that were...

Forever, I would like to be 21 (maybe) and I have been in this store. It is ...interesting...there are some nice things, I bought an Argyle sweater from this store in San Antonio during Ike, so its not all bad, but for the most part, not up my alley..

Books a Million was nice, like a Barnes & Nobles, even with a little coffee place, I can see many a Christmas gift getting bought here...

I like to take pictures of my building


Some wierd machine I think trying to dig up a tree.

So there ya go, now dont be hatin b/c your life isnt as exciting as mine...

A week in the life of...

Ok, I had seen on another blog a while back about chronically one week in your life. The original purpose I believe was to scrapbook that week for posterity....ok??

But I am doing it b/c it seemed interesting and hey, what else do I have to do? I am waiting for Book No. 3. And let me just warn, if you have stuff to do, don't pick up this series. Its extremely addictive....

OK, so my week...I guess it will end on election day next Tuesday.

A normal morning, cereal, my kids live on it. not just cereal, but eating the cereal and leaving the bowls on the table for me to pick up..eventually....

One of 3 dogs I have to deal with every morning...this one has to be chained up or he will make me smile run away to the ends of the earth...he drives me crazy, extremely hyper and he barks incessantly..

The wipes I was supposed to take to the sitter this morning but forgot on the couch...oh well

Awwww...what a cute pic!! Isnt that baby cute? Can you guess who it is??

This was what I "chronicled" before I left the house this morning....I will have more stuff through out the day for all 3 of my readers..

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Check out these pics...quite funny...maybe we should do this to our yard this year...