Friday, November 7, 2008

Probably TMI...

OK, so I had my annual drs. appt today. I mentioned my scorching, wanting to jump off of a bridge, pain incident and he says he thinks I may have Gall Stones. Yippee!!! How do you treat that? Either surgery or diet, low cholesteral diet. Is cholesteral what can cause them too? Yes.

Well, I guess thats what explains the almost 20lbs!!! I have gained since last year too, too much cholesteral. Yep, he says, this would be a good time to get control of that and turn it around, ya know, diet and exercise. Yeah, yeah, I know (eye roll). Here is some Phentermine to get you started!!

Yippee!! Yahoo!!! I am soooo into the magic for me! How much can I get??

So, can I do it? Can I drop at least 20, hopefully 40 pounds?

Maybe I should put up a before picture and post my progress in pictures??

LOLOLOLOLOLOL...Heather, you are such a joker, are you crazy?? My faithful readers can take my word on how fat I am!!

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